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Scout Tracks: April 2021


Den Dispatch​

News from our Pack 442 Dens


2021 Bike Rodeo: A wheelie great time!

A big thank you to all who came out to participate in our 2021 Bike Rodeo. The event, designed to teach Scouts about bike safety, included a number of stations where Scouts of all ranks could try out their skills and practice responsible biking. Special shoutout to Josh Keena for joining us at this year’s bike rodeo. If you have any bikes that need a tune-up or overhaul, Josh is a Lakeway resident who enjoys giving back to the community. He can be reached at (914) 382-6731 or​
















Wolf Den 8 Celebrates Blue and Gold

Our Blue and Gold celebration was February 27 at Bee Cave Park.  We encouraged the scouts to bring their bike or outdoor toys to share.  Matt read the history of scouting and explained that we were there to celebrate the birth of scouting.  We then took a walk to the tunnel and observed the bats activity in the area.  Once we walked back to the pavilion, we had blue and gold cupcakes and finished out the celebration with playing on the playscape and throwing the football.


More than the Bear Necessities as Den 2 celebrates Blue and Gold, Spring Campout

Spring has sprung with our Bear Den 2! The Scouts celebrated Blue and Gold Banquet with a scrumptious backyard feast featuring  Scouts worked fruit salad they made while honing their knife skills. The Bears then ventured out to Inks Lake State Park for a Spring Campout. The Scouts hiked, fished, carved, and enjoyed the outdoors. The Scouts entertained us at the campfire with hilarious jokes and run-ons and were rewarded with s'mores!




















Upcoming Events


Speed into the Soap Box Derby Monday, April 19th

Date: Monday, 4/19/2021

Place:  Serene Hills Elementary

Time: 6:30 PM


Please join us at Serene Hills Elementary on Monday, 4/19/2021 @ 6:30pm for our 1st Annual Soap Box Derby race! Even if you haven't signed up to participate, come join us to cheer on our six (6) teams of four scout racers. It should be a very fun event, it’s our last pack meeting of the school year, AND there will be treats involved, so how can you miss it?


Contact information and blueprints to the teams shortly. Supplies will be available for pickup / distribution beginning the evening of Friday, April 9th.


Teams: Don’t forget to pick both a team name and a name for your race car!


Scouting for Food Kicks Off Soon

As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky. That’s the genesis of Scouting for Food, the annual food-collection drive run by your local council. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing good turns.


Our 2021 Scouting for Food program will be kicking off shortly. Bags will be collected May 15th at our Crossover Ceremony. Stay tuned for additional information.


Bee Cave District launches Rocket Day on Saturday, May 15th

Date: Saturday, 5/15.2021

Place:  Lake Hills Church, 11431 Bee Caves Road, 78738

Time: Rocket Launch: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Scout Expo: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


The Bee Cave District will host a Return to Scouting Rocket Day and ScoutExpo on Saturday, May 15. Activities will include an early Cub Scout Rocket Day with an exposition of Scout skills including First Aid, Camping and Pioneering, along with Venturing and Sea Scout demonstrations.


The event will be open to the public for recruiting and generating goodwill for Scouting. In particular, this event seeks to draw Cub- and Scout-age youth by showcasing the various Scout programs with Scout skills, demos and Scouting information. Highlights include a monkey bridge, cobbler tasting and other events focused on getting outdoors. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend and show them what Pack 442 is all about! .


If you're planning on joining please reach out to your Den Leader for additional details and information.


Crossover returns to Lakeway City Park on May 15th

Date: Saturday, May 15th, 2021

Place:  Lakway City Park

Time: 3 - 5 PM (please see below for times by rank)


Please join us as we celebrate and recognize our Scouts for their tremendous achievements over the previous year. Crossover will be held by rank; please see the times listed below: 

  • Lions - 3:15pm

  • Tigers - 3:30pm

  • Wolves - 4pm

  • Bears - 4:30pm

  • Webelos 1 & 2 - 5pm

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