September 20 - November 10, 2024
Let's get started!
Pack 442 will sell Popcorn through Trails End and Cuvée Coffee as our annual fundraiser. The funds raised will be used to expand our community projects and improve our pack events, including campouts, overnights, bike rodeos, derbies, and more.
We are kicking things off September 12th at CraigO's
Ready to get started? We will have a fundraising table at CraigO's - join us to support the pack, learn more about the fundraising program, get signed up, and purchase your starter coffee/popcorn to sell! We will have a table for you to pick up your orders and ask any questions about the fundraising campaign.
EARLY START INCENTIVE! Join us at our Fundraiser Kick-off and Spirit Night at Craig O’s on September 12th
and purchase coffee or popcorn in the amount of your goal to sell ($300) and receive an
additional $10 Amazon Gift Card incentive bonus. -
CALLING ALL PARENTS! We need you're help to ensure this fundraiser is a success. Please help us with our storefront sales by volunteering to help set up, take down, or be 'on-call' (this is for emergency no-shows - we can't leave supplies unattended). Please sign up for some shifts today! Coordinate with your Scout's sales shifts to make it easy!

Step 1
Visit Trails End at https://portal.trails-end.com/ and select "Register Scout or Unit Leader".

Step 4
Create a username and password and select how you would like to be notified.

Step 7
You should see a "Unit Found" screen indicating Pack 0442. Hit "Continue".

Step 2
Select "Scout", then "Continue"

Step 5
When you see Account Created, this is your confirmation. Hit "Continue"

Step 3
Complete the required information fields.

Step 6
Enter your Trail's End Unit Code: HGFEJ

Step 8
If you have multiple Scouts, select "Yes", if you are only registering one Scout, select "No Thanks".

Step 9
Complete! View your dashboard to see (and select) storefront shifts, order coffee, track sales and more!