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Scout Blast (September News): Welcome Back Pack 442!

Matt K

Updated: Sep 23, 2021

**CUBMASTER MINUTE** Welcome back Pack 442! I'm excited to report that we have registered 26 new Scouts this year! At our Pack meetings and events please take the time to introduce yourself to someone you don't know and let's make all of our new families feel welcome. One of my goals for this year is for all of us to know each other a little better as the year progresses. To that end, I've attached a short bio snippet to learn a little more about me and my two boys: Brock and Jack. I'd love the opportunity to showcase at least one new Pack 442 family each month, so if you're interested in participating, please take a second to interview your Scout about his favorite outdoor experiences and send us your favorite scouting, camping, or family pictures. Feel free to expand or change the questions to what you'd like to share about your family! I'm looking forward to seeing the responses. We'll also be putting together a Pack 442 Membership Directory for all of our members. If you do NOT want to participate in the directory, please let me know and we'll gladly ensure your information stays private. Our committee meetings are open to any interested parents that would like to be more involved in our Pack. I highly encourage our new parents to join us at our next Committee Meeting on Monday, September 13th at 6:30pm at the Lakeway Church. For any questions, more information, or to receive a copy of the upcoming agenda, please email me at I'd like to take a moment to thank Tom Bolich for all his help organizing our first Pack Meeting of the fall with VIK Complete Care. Come join us and learn how to administer first aid to the most common types of injuries and build your own first aid kit! Reminder, this event is being held at Lakeway Church on Monday, September 20th @ 6:30pm. If you have NOT yet RSVP'd, please do so here ASAP to ensure we have enough supplies and volunteers on hand. Lastly, I'd like to ask each of you to support our new fundraising partnership with Cuvee Coffee this year. We'll have more details at our first Pack Meeting but since this is our first year it will take all of us chipping in together to make it a success. See you all in a couple of weeks! Yours in Scouting, Matt ************************ **DUES ARE DUE** As our programming gets underway a reminder that it’s time to pay annual dues! Dues can be paid through our online store: We want Scouting to be accessible for all who are interested and scholarships are available for those in need. Please reach out to your Den leader for more information. ************************ **CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS** We’re looking for parents to help support Pack 442! The commitment is low - something you can do whether you’re home full time looking after little ones or if you work outside the home. We currently have openings in the following roles:

  • Public relations chair: social media chair (Facebook live, Facebook & Instagram Marketing), photography chair, service/philanthropy chair

  • Campout Chair: campfire chair, camp cook/chef, skit & song chair, survival skill chair, joke chair

  • Council/District Relations Chair, training chair

  • Events Chair: Raingutter regatta chair, Pinewood Derby Chair

  • Arts/Craft chair

  • Games chair

  • Chaplin

********************* **SCOUT LAW OF THE MONTH** A Scout is Trustworthy - A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. He always does what he says he will do. People can depend on him. Honesty is part of his personal code of conduct. ************************ **SCOUT JOKE OF THE MONTH** What wears a uniform and floats in water? A Buoy Scout

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